20. August - Neuchâtel / 20. Août - Neuchâtel

Event Strong-man* Newcomer
> 105kg
Strong-woman** Strongwoman
Car Deadlift heavy car heavy car heavy car middle car middle car light car Rules: Lockout (knees, hips), on top, wait on refs "down" signal
Ranking: Reps, higher weight, trumps lower weight

Tire Flip

(75 sec)

2x 450kg &

max reps 500kg

2x 330kg &

max reps 450kg

2x 330kg &

max reps 450kg 

2x 250kg &

max reps 330kg 

2x 250kg &

max reps 330kg 

2x 170kg &

max reps 250kg 
Rules: Tyre flips
Ranking: Reps

Truck pull

(60 sec)

16t without rope  16t with rope  16t with rope   7t with rope   7t with rope  7t with rope Rules: pull the truck
Ranking: time, distance

Overhead medley

(75 sec)

80kg Axle

100kg Log

120kg Axle

130kg Log amrap 

80kg Axle

100kg Log

110kg Axle

120kg Log amrap 

80kg Axle

100kg Log

110kg Axle

120kg Log amrap 

80kg Axle

90kg Log

100kg Axle

110kg Log amrap 

50kg Axle

60kg Log

70kg Axle

80kg Log amrap 

30kg Axle

40kg Log

50kg Axle

60kg Log amrap  
Rules: Lockout (knees, hips, elbows), on top, wait on refs "down" signal

Ranking: Reps 

Yoke carry & Duck walk
(2 x15m, 90 sec)

 380kg Yoke

240kg Duck

 320kg Yoke

180kg Duck 

300kg Yoke

160kg Duck 

280kg Yoke

140kg Duck 

220kg Yoke

90kg Duck 

170kg Yoke

70kg Duck 
Rules: No sliding (5s penalty)
Ranking: Time, distance

*: Strongman Open: ranking will be done overall and separeted in weight classes! (>105kg / <105kg / <90kg)

**: Strongwoman Open: ranking will be done overall an separeted in weight classes! (>82kg / <82kg)

Cost: 60 CHF/athlete, pay at competition day cash


Neuchâtel Force